
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last night in Riga

Ahhh Riga ... Gonna miss you , and I never got to even experience the night life on a weekend . Every night I have been here has been some form of adventure navigating through lonely dimly lit streets with little to no peoPle on the streets. Like I said I never experienced a weekend here.

I am lying in bed dreading having to drag my bag out of my apartment here on the 4th floor and dropping it off at the office for the apartment manager . Yeah boo hoo poor me right ? Unfortunately I must travel on to our next destination which is Stockholm , I was there very briefly last week as I had to catch a ferry from there to Tallinn . Really hoping I get lucky and meet some new good friends there as I did here in Rigs ... Meeting our new friend Victor has just been so amazing . He really made us feel at home here and has done a great job of being in my mind a great representative for Riga ;)

That being said last night we went out and got trashed , I honestly have no clue as to why the hell I am up so early with hardly a hangover . I went to bed 4 hours ago at 330 am ;) and I am up at 830 ??? I guess I am over my jetlag which is great . After we drop our bags we will probably visit Victor 1 last time for a game of fuss ball , which I totally suck at but what the hey it's still fun ....

Just caught a wave of yawns , I am gonna catch a few more z's now , this was kinda lame for a blog post but oh well , will possibly edit this into something else in near future

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