
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fox 🦊 Cup Arrives

Slept in this morning , missed breakfast although I was in no need of any more food after last nights feast so without any despair I just sat in my room and wrote my blog . I am writing this now in present time , this is actually about today rather then what I did yesterday . That tells you how I feel right now but let me get you caught up on what went down to bring me to this point . 

After writing about yesterday’s drama I decided it was time to go get a coffee from Starbucks and on my way out of the hospital I got to meet Stefan who is the tournament organizer and his Slovakian friends as they all arrived this morning . They were finishing off their breakfast and I probably could have joined them but I opted out of eating and carried on my way to get my coffee after meeting my team mates who for the most part don’t speak English . I am going to have to bridge that gap somehow to find out who is playing defence so I can let them know not to stand in front of me during our games . It is one of my biggest pet peeves about some players trying to play d .... I need my d to let me see the puck and cover the open man lurking around the edges rather then tipping pucks or setting up a screen for the other team . If you play defence please take note of this and cover your man ! 

Somehow at Starbucks my name which is Adrian ended up looking like this ☝️? Not too sure if that’s my name or if it just says douchebag in the local tongue .... regardless I took it and enjoyed it . Back in my room , chugged my coffee and showered up and got ready to meet my team mates to go to the Batyroff Burger Gold again . Apparently there is no uber here but that’s discussable even though when I open my uber it directs me to Yandex.Taxi so I call my taxi and get my ass in gear with two of my Slovak companions in tow . Same as yesterday in the sense that when we arrived we had food and drink ordered for us and I had another horse meat burger which is damn good and I gobbled it up but I think I’m done with burgers for the next few days and I’m pretty sure I’m going to begin ordering what I would like to eat rather then being forced into certain food and drinks . Not sure how to do this without offending anyone as I’m not too sure about local customs and I always enjoy being in happier surroundings . The beer and liquor began to flow and some gifts were exchanged between Stefan and Tsiggy . The Slovaks were tired and looked ready for bed and left me and Walter with Tsiggy and we continued to eat and drink stuff that we didn’t order 😆 . I even was offered a hand fed piece of meat that I declined for sanitary purposes and I think I may have offended Tsiggy without knowingly doing so ... or at least that is what Walter told me . He’s been playing devils advocate whispering things about local traditions and making me a bit paranoid , not sure whether I should take him serious or not but regardless we are having fun . 

I had the urge to smoke sheesha and that was a huge mistake ! When I began smoking it tasted a bit off and had really no flavour and then I almost puked 🤮... I got the spins and next thing you know I was out cold in the suv on the way home . When we were dropped off at the hotel I bee lined it to my bed and fell asleep for two hours . I woke up and was receiving messages to go downstairs and pondered if I should or not , couldn’t sleep so I decided to go meet Walter in the grand ballroom downstairs where there was a cultural event happening with some traditional dancing . I watched it for a bit and got bored and wandered back to the hotel where I met the Slovaks and there is only one of the guys there that speaks English and honestly I felt a bit left out as we went to the bar next door and when we were in there the Czech team was hammered out of their minds ... I’m sober and apparently this bar has a dress code so off we went . My team mates were standing around outside talking in their native tongue and I decided this is the perfect time to leave come upstairs and write about today before hitting the sack . 

Grabbed myself a twix bar and a Coca Cola and headed up to my room .... today was really not too exciting and I’m hoping tomorrow I get to see more stuff here . Really need to put a good foot forward with my team mates tomorrow and bridge the language barrier . Let’s see what tomorrow brings and hopefully I have something more interesting to write about . 

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