
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Club Quarters :(

Yeah i know it seems like i am just whining and complaining lately and yeah i think it sucks but its probably stuff i should share with you all .... Obviously when i got home i had to make some calls and send some emails then i began to get responses and replied and really tried to come to agreements over certain things . Most everything i lost on and it just really bugs me , i hate losing LOL .

This is something i gotta vent about and it has to do with customer service , this is something you only hear about but usually don't experience . Now i am not sure if its because these corporations constantly claim to have this customer service thing but sometimes i wonder ... here is a great example ! Club Quarters . When i was in Chicago to watch Villa i stayed at Club Quarter there , last year for my bday in NYC guess where i stayed ? yes Club Quarters and last month when we were in Houston , yup you guessed it ... Club Quarters . As you see i don't mind staying in there small rooms and enjoy the water bottles they have in their hallways but their customer service is not so great  .

We were there to watch Aston Villa play Houston Dynamo and Daniel Peever (Canadian Villan) left his Canadian flags with Mark Forrester (Dubai Villan) ... well actually i gave them to Mark as i put them in his bag that is where i come in :) when we left the hotel the morning after the game Daniel "lost" the flags , well he didn't as they were with Mark . I didn't know this until we got to Toronto LOL and yes we travelled together . So immediately i messaged Mark and by that time he had already left the flags with the front desk for us ... i tried to contact our remaining Canadian Villan there (Richard Pilkington) but his phone was dead and he never received the message and had left without the flags ... so the flags were still at Club Quarters in Houston .

Feeling kinda responsible for the loss of our Canadian flags i decided to write to Club Quarters :( yeah try finding an email to contact directly to the Houston location ?!?!?! LOL ! Well i just emailed headquarters and they put me through .... now you gotta know there are at least 40 of us staying at Club Quarters , i know i spent easily $500 there between room and food and beers at the bar downstairs . We stayed as a large group in Chicago at Club Quarters also ... so you imagine they probably hauled in around $10, 000 from us easily , more then likely way more then that . So someone had mentioned that to me and said tell them to send them to us with no charge as a show of faith and explain how many of us were there and that we enjoy their service , so i did . Well when i finally was put in touch with them they immediately asked for my credit card ? as if they didn't even read my email :(

I continuously told them that it was disappointing to be asked to mail 2 medium sized flags , seriously they would fit in a big brown envelope ... wouldn't break the bank and certainly is worth them sending to us to assure we use their hotel chain again . You would think that customer service would dictate that right ? WRONG ! Nope they continually asked for my credit card . Club Quarters obviously doesn't care about the fact we spent THOUSANDS of dollars there and obviously we won't stay there again !!!! You messed up kid LOL . Now this is something i would love that they read about and i want them to know that we won't stay there again .... the cost to send us our flags is heavily outweighed by the cost we spent to stay there , if you don't realize this then you are brain dead .

So yeah i had to bitch about this , hopefully all the other Villa lads read this and boycott these turds in the future too . Oh yeah the flags , well Jenny is our leader ! Yup Jenny for those of you that know her was our waitress around the corner at the Flying Saucer and then came out to party with us . Well Jenny is gonna grab the flags and mail them to Peever directly ... so there is a bit of a happy ending YAY ! 


  1. Told my boss/owner at work about this and he was speechless

  2. you figure for the amount of money we as a group spent there and at the Chicago location that they would want to continue doing business with us ... apparently they don't ?!?!?!
