Sorry it has taken so long to wrap up my thank-yous... unfortunately my girlfriends father passed away last weekend and the funeral was actually yesterday . So i have been a bit busy unfortunately :(
So back to thanking everyone :) The guy above picked me up at the train station in Regensburg , which i arrived at in very rough shape . This guy has the most non German name i have ever heard LOL Jason Guttierez ... one of the most amazing , friendly , kind people i have ever met !!! Seriously this guy did everything to make me feel comfortable . He even suggested i stay in a hotel across the street from his house ,which i did and i have no regrets about it as it made my stay in Regensburg super easy ! Meeting up for walks to see the sites , hanging out at cafes and sharing taxis back to our neighbourhood were just much more simple because i stayed where i did ... behind every great man is a great woman so i must thank his lovely girlfriend Sabrina for being so amazing too ... unfortunately i don't have a really good picture of her , i don't want to post any pictures that would upset her , women tend to get upset if they are .... misrepresented :) Thanks to both of you!
This Regensburg part of my trip would not have happened if it weren't for Alex Eberhardt ! My German buddy that i met in Cortina a couple years ago ( 2010) , when he found out i was coming to Germany he immediately began calling my phone LOL to bug me to visit him . Yeah he doesn't seem to care about making long distance calls for these reason , which makes him a special person to me ! We won a championship in Cortina together so for this reason we will always be connected . Last summer Alex visited Toronto and we spent quite a bit of time together so i figured it would be an honour to visit Regensburg . Alex got me on the ice , took me out to alot of great restaurants and bars and introduced me to the great people i am mentioning on this page . I mentioned Jason first on this post but really this all would not happen if it weren't for Alex ....also i would love to thank Alex's lovely girlfriend Stephanie ....Stephanie is great friends with Jason's girlfriend Sabrina which is the main connection to all of this friendship circle . Thanks for everything Stephanie , hope to see you soon !
The teams i got to practise and play with in Regensburg were awesome too ! I would like to thank EHC Regensburg Spiders for allowing me the opportunity to practise with you guys . And more then anything i would like to thank the Krones team for allowing me the chance to win a hockey game with them , the best part was the party after . Too many guys to mention but one guy i would like to mention is Armin Eberhardt , Alex's cousin . Armin i am gonna post this picture of you dancing on the table , hope you don't mind ? This was one of the highlights of the whole trip ... dancing on the table for a bottle of tequila . It was SO worth it LOL !
Last but not least i want to thank most if not all my great German friends for coming to Munich to watch that DEL game with me !!! Andi Tanzer , Rainer Schmid, Alex Eberhardt , Melanie Blume and some people i have never met like Manuela Hebel . I got pretty drunk that night and i was really over ecstatic about seeing everyone and i kinda felt as though everyone gathered for me which was super special ... that night i pretty much cried , and it wasn't a cry of sadness it was joy . I was so happy to see you all , i hope you all understand that you are special to me ... you are my German family ... i hope to see you all soon enough .
I should also thank Jochen Reimer seen in the picture with us ! He got us the tickets for the game ... great game Jochen thanks for everything to everyone i mentioned in the last 3 blogs i posted . I could not have done this without any of you . You are all special to me .
Thank YOU ALL !!!
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