Waking up on a Monday , all the teams had already left to catch their trains to Munich.We were still in the arena parking lot long after everyone was gone. Like i have mentioned earlier , i am an early riser and i was up and ready to go by 9 AM . Rainer ( our nightlife manager ) on the other hand was not :( so basically i strolled around bored out of my mind waiting for Kackvogel to wake up . I might be wrong but i am pretty sure it was around 1 PM that he awoke ...
Now let me make this clear ....yes ,i got hammered , yes , i did end up dancing on the table , but all in all Oktoberfest SUCKS !!!! When i got there people are pushing me , strange women are pawing at me to dance , guys from the tournament are all trashed ( smacking my hat and wrestling around LOL ) . This is all especially annoying when you are hungover and kinda too sober to be in this crowd . So let me explain the ridiculous rules for this glamour tent ( apparently ). NO HATS ALLOWED ( so even guys in there getups *hats included in getups* were asked to remove them ) i kept mine on somehow for quite some time , was asked on numerous times but basically began to just ignore everyone there . YOU MUST BE SITTING DOWN TO ORDER A BEER ( with 10 people squeezed on table ) so when i tried to order Paul Loretan a beer at one point he was standing , so he sat and i tried to order the beer , they said no where he is sitting there are more than 10 people now. So he moved and they said no again , because i was standing ! Paul might not remember this but I DO !
It took us 45 friggin minutes to get a beer , which were like 9 Euros each . I gave our first server a 20 and got no change, when i asked how much it was he seemed pissed that i called him on it and gave me my change back :) I do not tip for absolutely horrible service ( i worked in service industry for 7 years in one of my past lives ) so when we get our beers the next rule is that you can not stand with your beer , so with everyone from the tournament in this tent spread out at different tables , i never got to say bye to alot of people ....either drink beer , or abandon and go watch another table drink beer ...i chose to drink beer ! ( sorry guys, and BYE ! , nice meeting you all !)
Outside the tent i saw the Dancing Bears (Calgary) , they were kinda unhappy about being asked to leave also and were on their way to a wine tent apparently last i saw them . I waited for Rainer but he was not coming , so i went back in ....not even stopped by security i took my place back at the table where we were sitting . I continued drinking as much as i can and began to dance on the table having a great time ( have to get drunk to have fun ) , we decided to leave and go on some rides , like a couple little kids we went on the swing and some cheesy horror house ride ( LOL ) stupid thing spit on us at the end ! After our 2 disappointing rides we decided to go get us some Kebab ( with no luck ) and just went home to our camper at the train station ....we really know how to choose the good cheap spots to park . Tomorrow we add a 3rd man to our adventure .
Don't be upset that i think Oktoberfest sucks, yes i agree i was definitely at the wrong tent ....i am not going to try to find the right tent . Veni Vidi Vici ...not again LOL!
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