So there i am without a team and i know a few other guys that are without teams and looking so i begin to contact them one by one hoping one of them would want to start a team . Unfortunately i was dumb enough to want to start a team and contacted a few other artists i knew ( this is an artist league) , they were interested and one even had a name a logo and is an amazing hockey player ( Greg Majster ) . So just over a year ago now i started a team called the Ghetto Blasters . In our first year we have done alot of great things as a team even though the roster has changed drastically over our first 64 games ( over 40 skaters ) . We started off by just organizing exhibition games the same night at the same rink with the same refs/timekeeper that our league uses and eventually began entering tournaments ( making semis in our first ever , then winning the Summit of the Arts later that month !) We also entered into a charity tournament raising just under $1000 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation . We will be entering this very same tournament this year and if you wish to make a donation here is the link
Since that first winter we have gone on to host our own tournament ( The Ghetto Classic ) which is growing yearly . This year we might have up to 8 teams . We also won our summer hockey league , entering higher level next summer . We have also in our first year added our first sponsor which will be sponsoring our team yearly , this year using our sponsorship money to get our first set of white jerseys . The Midpoint ( ) is a bar just around the corner on trendy Queen St. W. that you will be able to find myself and some of the other guys on the team there on Saturday nights deep in the corner of the bar near the kitchen ( food is amazing !)