Sunday morning and guys are all leaving while we are cleaning up the house since it’s an air b’n’b wasn’t that bad to be honest we were pretty responsible about cleaning up after ourselves 👏 every time I turned around another one of the guys disappeared as they all were flying back home or in the case of Noble & Andy were driving back home on their 5 hour trek which left me , Cam , Quintin and Robin leftover with nothing to do so we went into the Octagon and jumped on some Lime Green Scooters 🛴 this time I’m sober and we were a bit sceptical about getting on them as this big gash on my knee is a sign of what could happen lol 😝 when we jumped on we thought our batteries were dead because they weren’t getting up to speed , we failed to notice that there is a speed restriction on them in the Octagon limiting them to 10 Km per hour while the top speed outside the zone is around 26 K ! So we found our way out of the city center and raced around like a bunch of children . We had a race and I’m not exaggerating when I say we all were laughing and having so much fun riding together as we were messing about at top speeds down the roads hahaha 😆 none of us fell off this time and nobody got hurt but we did work up a thirst for some beers so we parked the scooters and hit the bar where I also found some oysters 🦪 now my trip is complete 🤟
Eventually we had to drop Robin and Quintin off at the airport and then we headed to Drew’s place . There is a scrimmage tonight but I’m not gonna play since I have to fly in less then 12 hours and that is nowhere near enough time to dry my gear here and I’m not about to test that theory out so instead I hung my gear in Drew’s garage and had a fan pointed at the gear while we went back to the rink where I posted up in the bar while I wrote a blog post watching the guys scrimmage . The scrimmage was pretty bad to be honest and I didn’t pay much attention as I did my writing and after the skate I got to see a couple guys I met here last year when we went to Gore so that was pretty cool 😎
After hockey Drew went to bed ??? Yeah I was a bit surprised that he didn’t hang out for a bit with us ... I’m sure it’s because he has to work tomorrow but we have to be up earlier then he has to . Oh well 😔 we decide to go grab a bite to eat and went to the local Chinese takeaway and I personally wasn’t impressed as chicken balls is not a thing here and sweet n sour spare ribs confusingly comes with noodles and I wasn’t risking ordering them and ending up with something I didn’t really want so I opted for the chicken fried rice which I ate even though I didn’t rate it . We ate our food at Drew’s and then crashed out ... Cam was gracious enough to let me have the bed and he took the couch ... I set my alarm and set off to lala land 😴